Inspired by the vivid Autumn colours of Mildura – this painting took about a week to complete, and I played around with a bit of time-lapse along the way – reckon it looks ok.
Peter Potter
We remember on this day those who passed along the way, and whose bodies fell upon a foreign shore
Those who gave up their tomorrows so that we might have today – its a memory that we dare not ignore
E A R T H – ‘Do you know me?’ said the country…
W A T E R – ‘Watch me closely’, said the water…
A I R – ‘You must listen’, the air whispered…
F I R E – ‘Can you feel me?’ spoke the fire…
Magpie Narcissus
A brief tale of a magpie trapped by his own image – a new poem for a new year.
thanks to Leigh Ivin and Andy Garland for the musical tracks
Filming Will
This is the first of a few videos we made on a trip out to Dunlop Station at the Back of Bourke – I hope to be able to make more.
The Centre of All Things
Too many ideas to list have come from this artwork – more to follow soon.